“Poppin’ & Lochin'” by James Garrettson
A Quick Overview into a Deep Underworld ~ Lake fishing. Trout fishing's most boring scion. At least that’s what I thought until I tried loch style fly fishing, and I’ve never been so happy to be wrong in my life (you ruined me, Norm). Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy...
“Hammers” by Michael ‘Sal’ Salomone
The rods I have in my rack get worked hard chasing trout all across Colorado. As a longtime professional fly fishing guide my rods are working rods, 5wts, day-in day-out performers, like a good hammer on a construction site. And they are all Echo. On guided...
“The Euro-Nymph X Factor” – by James Garrettson
Over the last month I’ve gotten to spend some serious time with the Echo Shadow X 3106. As a huge fan of the Shadow II for both personal fishing and guiding, I anxiously awaited the Shadow X's release. In short, I have a new favorite rod. Recently I had the pleasure...
“Cold Air Impacts on Fish” – by Zach Southgate
Winter sets in, guides ice up and boredom becomes a reality. For those of you who live in a 365-day angling season, I’m jealous. With a two-week cold snap of -40°C just passing, the river has narrowed, ice shelves have nearly met...
“Going Monk” by Sean Platt
For those Zoolander aficionados let's be clear from the start: I did not – I repeat, I did not – magically pull my underwear off whilst wearing pleather pants and hoist them victoriously over my head. That’s not to say haven’t tried. And while I am sorry to disappoint...
“Fishing With The Next Generation” by Aaron Richter
It finally happened...like many of my generation I have been running from it - adulting. For a nomad like myself the consequences can be significant. And it seems to be catching many of my friends these days. Marriage, babies...full time jobs! Just some of the things...
“If you’re going to be dumb, you better have a tough fly rod” by Sean Platt
It was a long day. After hours spent crashing through poison ivy, dodging rattle snakes and pretending to hide from temperamental Colorado weather, I was a bit spent. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, to top it all off we had been nymphing with small as in sz 20 and 22...
“Gearing Up For Fall” – by Paul Conklin
Getting Your Gear Ready for the Fall Season Summer is quickly winding down and before you know it, the tributaries of the Great Lakes will be filled with steelhead and brown trout. Spending some time now will save you and your fishing buddies from a headache...
“ECHO Bad Ass Glass Fly Rods – A Brave Step Forward Into History” – by Jay Nicholas
I started out to write a review of the Echo Bad Ass Glass fly rod series, including the 8' and 9' rods, but quickly decided that I’d need first to dig a little deeper than simply relate my reaction to fishing these fly rods. Here goes.... I find it a little strange...
Mahi Mahi on the BAG – by Michael Salomone
Captain Skipper Gentry and I motored through the Boynton Inlet with the morning light filling our faces, the sun as bright as our smiles. I had set my sights for snook along the beaches of southeastern Florida. Most of my mornings in Florida I find myself walking the...
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