Fly Golf: Fun when you can’t get to the water!
Take the challenge! Grab your fly rod outfit complete with a floating line, 9 foot leader, and yarn fly. If you are competing against someone, make sure that are using the same size outfit and get ready for a casting challenge. After deciding who will cast first, the...
Catalina Island & Calico Bass
From Mike (Sal) Salomone. We woke up in Hollywood well before dawn. The excitement of fishing with my younger brother would have been enough but our destination pushed additional energy into the cool air. Packs had been loaded with fleece layers, knitted hats and rain...
Nymph Machine Carbon XL 4100
By James Garrettson Check out his website to learn more about his guide service in New Mexico! http://www.abouttrout.com The 4100 Carbon XL is the Nymphing Crossover You Need (The Carbon XL 4100 also excels in all disciplines of euro nymphing) Whether guiding or...
Saving your Euro Nymphing Rod
In this quick and "to the point" video, our friend and ECHO Design Team member Mariusz Wroblewski shows the most common ways he sees people break their Euro Nymphing rods. Euro Nymphing rods have very sensitive tip sections to help load the rod during the unique cast...
Sprinting Out of 2020!
By Dave McCoy - Friend of Rajeff Sports and owner of Emerald Water Anglers in Seattle, WA.Wow, I could go on for...forget it, let’s bid 2020 adieu! So long and so on to what I hope is a beloved 2021 and what to look forward to here in the Seattle area, the greater PNW...
Fish Handling the ECHO Way
Catch & Release Fish Handling Techniques Our fish handling techniques are simple and can be applied across species. The more techniques you employ increases the likelihood that released fish will survive to spawn (or be caught again). Keeping sportfish...
The ECHO Traverse Kit
The Echo Traverse kit. - Michael "Sal" Salomone People are desperately searching for social distancing activities. Things to do with family oralone and away from the congestion of society. Fishing has risen to the top of the Covidacceptable activities. Not just...
Fly Fishing in the Winter: Where the trout at?
From ECHO Pro James Garrettson: Winter + Water = Winter Water. If you don’t ski or shred pow with your snow boarding bros on the back side and love to fly fish, you’re probably doing it this winter. By it, I mean fly fly fishing. Specifically for trout. During the winter you can find trout in very specific water types. Mostly deep and slow. Its all relative though. Hopefully this video helps you hand out some extra lip piercings to trout before the snow is gone.
“Winter Trout Escapades” by Michael ‘Sal’ Salomone
Winter Troutcapades Michael Salomone -Echo Ambassador Suspended in frigid air, my fly line stops shooting through the guides. Ice grips hold of the new Airflo line locking it up tight in the tip of my Echo Trout rod. It’s early, the skies are clear blue but I’m...
Two Simple Euro Nymphing Leader Builds (that could save your sanity!) – by Sean Platt
Euro Nymphers. You’ve seen them. The anglers with obnoxiously long rods, the ones lobbing heavy nymphs tied below neon mono and pulling more fish out of the water than you would have ever thought possible. And you’ve probably left the river frustrated and in the worst...
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