It finally happened…like many of my generation I have been running from it – adulting. For a nomad like myself the consequences can be significant. And it seems to be catching many of my friends these days. Marriage, babies…full time jobs! Just some of the things that change the landscape of our lives. More and more of my friends that were wayward wanderers are getting swept up in it. It caught me, too. I now have a wife and two young children. Finding the time to do the things we used to can be difficult, but spending time with the family doing those same things can be even more rewarding.
Gone are the days of spontaneous fishing trips. Replaced with less frequent but perhaps much more special time on the water. Nowadays outings take a lot of preparation. In order to get out on the river, a lot of time is dedicated to getting the family ready. I thought I would share a few of the things that help make it easier to get the family out there!
It’s easy to feel like there is never time and there won’t be unless you make the time. I have a two year old and an 8 month old, it’s like herding cats around my house trying to get out the door! It easily takes a half hour longer per kid than things used to. It can make it feel overwhelming to prep for a day outside. Don’t fall victim to this feeling. Accept that things just take longer and save yourself the frustration. Getting out at all with young children is a gift and it will do wonders to scratch the itch! I suggest scheduling your fishing. Pencil it in. It will give you time to prep the necessary items to have a relaxing trip. On the flip side, seize the moment when you have the unexpected chance to get out there which brings me to my next piece of advice…

Be prepared ! I found that there is sometimes a chance to get away and if you have a few items already prepared it makes life a lot easier. Have all your personal equipment put together and ready to go at a moments notice. Then you can concentrate on the kids. There is nothing worse than getting your four month old layered up and ready only to get out there and have a catastrophic blow out. It will happen and if you’re ready it makes it more manageable. We keep the classic diaper bag but if you add the extra warm clothes and have some emergency snacks it saves a lot of time. Their comfort is your comfort!
Pack and plays are your friend! Portable cribs that double as little animal cages are a huge help when containing your kids and making them comfortable. If we take the jet boat we set it up and the kids have a place of there own and it frees up your hands while assuring you that they aren’t swallowing hooks (hopefully)! My two year old loves to stand in it as we go upstream, taking it all in.

The baby backpack! No tool may be more important. After all, these little clones just want to be with you all the time. Getting a good functional baby pack is the best way to get you and them out there! After a few outings my kids looked forward to it so much. Like I said their comfort is your comfort and once you get those hooks in them (not literally) they will ask you to go fishing! There is no better way to spend more time on the water than if your kids want to be there themselves. My son is constantly asking to go fishing now and it makes me so happy and proud!

Get them an Echo Gecko! You will be surprised at how fast they will want to partake in the fun. They see you doing it and letting them be a part of it just makes them want to be fishing more often. What’s good for them, is good for you. My two year old has regular casting lessons in the yard that have now been brought to the stream and kids learn quick. It’s never too early. I do, however, suggest no hook for a bit unless you are a daredevil!
Well, I hope all this babbling on about baby stuff on a fishing blog helps someone! I certainly have learned a lot in this process of adulting. Nothing has been more fulfilling and rewarding for me than becoming a parent. I hope that both my kids continue to love fly fishing so I always have the best fishing partners. Good luck and GET OUT THERE.
~ Aaron is an Echo Pro Team member and fly fishing guide that divides his time between Northern Idaho and Alaska’s Bristol Bay region. He’s lucky to have a wife and family that shares his love for the outdoors.

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