Dave Smith
Trout Expert
Favorite Fish: Trout/Spotted Bay Bass
Home Water: Eastern Sierras / San Diego Bays
Dave is a Southern California native and grew up chasing trout in the Eastern Sierras of California on family trips. Dave’s love of fly fishing spiraled out of control when he picked up and moved to New Zealand on a whim. While in New Zealand Dave got mixed up with wrong crowd and he started experimenting with competition fly fishing, which lead to a full blown fly fishing addiction. In addition to fly fishing, Dave is an avid fly tier and rolls up everything from size 18 perdigons to 6/0 articulated baitfish patterns. When Dave’s not harassing the fishes of the world or spending time at the vise, Dave gives seminars on how to fish sans an indicator, leads fly tying classes and loves to travel to new fly fishing destinations with his fly angling wife Lesley. #powercouple